The act of lining up your shot in order to hit the proper contact point.
See below as shown by Jeanette Lee.
Tips for Helping You Aim.
Use a consistent and purposeful pre-shot routine.
Make sure your vision center is always aligned properly.
Ghost-ball aiming can be a useful visualization tool.
The contact-point-to-contact-point or parallel-lines system can be a useful visualization tool.
The double-the-distance or double-the-overlap aiming system can be a useful visualization tool.
Your cue can be used to help you aim.
Make sure you are sighting shots consistently and purposefully.
Be leery and suspicious of exaggerated claims concerning some cut-shot aiming systems. Having said this, these systems do offer benefits to some people.
With good technique, HAMB ("Hit a Million Balls") is the best "system" for aiming success.