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A dry, abrasive substance that is applied to the cue tip to help assure a non-slip contact between the cue tip and the cue ball. 

See below as shown by Brandon Gramse. 

Tips for Helping You Chalk Up.

Chalking the tip of your cue is a simple and vital part of the game of pool that most people take for granted. Your tip should be chalked before every shot, especially on the draw shot. Chalk isn't just a decoration; it maintains friction between the cue tip and the cue ball, preventing the cue tip from sliding off, which is called miscueing. To effectively chalk the tip of your cue, place the chalk on the tip with a feathering motion, making sure the tip is completely covered. Avoid put too much chalk on your cue. If you do, chalk will transfer to the cue ball, and this could cause problems if the chalk happens to be transferred to the same spot that the cue ball contacts the object ball. This will cause a clinging effect, and your object ball will have a tendency to skid or slide. Develop a good habit in your game by putting chalk on your tip before every shot. Eventually it will happen automatically without even thinking about it.

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