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Decisions = DEATH


The idea of shooting balls in a specific order that leads one shot naturally into the next in hopes of running out.

phillyingers pattern play.png

Tips for Helping You See the Pattern.

  • One of the keys to playing better pool is playing better patterns.  The hard part is figuring out what is a good pattern, and then finding them in a random rack of balls.  Although many people don’t believe it, pool is a difficult game.  Our margin for error is tiny, and we are trying to control how far a rolling ball goes.  Not very easy.  And this idea of pool being difficult opens the door to help us play better patterns!  The less we have to do with the cue ball, the easier it is to predict where it will be after the shot.  

  • In other words, if we roll the cue ball softly and doesn’t move it too far, we know where it is.  The problem then is, how do we decide which balls to take off and in what order so that we don’t have to move the cue ball much at all.  The secret to doing this is triangles. 

  • Here is how you practice this triangle idea.  Break the balls and take ball in hand.  What you do at the first level is pick a triangle where you can make 3 easy shots, then do it.  Take ball in hand and do it again.  After a while, this will get easy. 

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